import argparse import json import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from pymediainfo import MediaInfo from tkinter import Tk, messagebox from typing import Optional, Tuple __version__ = "0.1.0" def exit_print(message: Optional[str], exit_code: Optional[int]) -> None: print(message if message else "") sys.exit(exit_code if exit_code else 0) def cli() -> Tuple[Path, Path, Path, bool, bool]: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="DV Check") parser.add_argument("-f", "--ffmpeg", type=str, help="Path to FFMPEG executable.") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dovi-tool", type=str, help="Path to dovi_tool executable." ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--prompt", action="store_true", help="Prompt user with a GUI prompt if FEL.", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--create-fel-mkv", action="store_true", help="Create FEL output mkv if FEL layer exists (input name_el.ext).", ) parser.add_argument("input", type=str, help="Path to input file.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.input: exit_print("Program requires an input file", 1) if not args.ffmpeg: exit_print("Program requires FFEMPG", 1) if not args.dovi_tool: exit_print("Program requires dovi_tool", 1) return ( Path(args.input), Path(args.ffmpeg), Path(args.dovi_tool), args.prompt, args.create_fel_mkv, ) def detect_el_layer(file_input: Path) -> bool: if not file_input.exists() or not file_input.is_file(): exit_print("Input file not found", 1) if file_input.suffix not in (".mp4", ".mkv"): exit_print("Only MP4/MKV input's are supported", 1) media_info = MediaInfo.parse(file_input) try: video_track = media_info.video_tracks[0] hdr_format = video_track.hdr_format if not hdr_format: exit_print("No HDR detected", 0) if "Dolby Vision" in hdr_format: hdr_format_settings = video_track.hdr_format_settings if not hdr_format_settings: exit_print("No HDR detected", 0) if "EL" in hdr_format_settings: return True else: exit_print("EL layer not detected", 0) else: exit_print("No dolby vision metadata detected", 0) except IndexError: exit_print("Input has no video track", 1) return False def read_rpu( file_input: Path, ffmpeg_path: Path, dovi_tool_path: Path ) -> Optional[str]: # output_el_hevc = file_input.with_suffix(".hevc").with_name(f"{file_input.stem}_el") output_bin = file_input.with_suffix(".bin") # Change the working directory to the directory containing the input file file_input_parent = file_input.parent # Define the ffmpeg command ffmpeg_command = [ str(ffmpeg_path), "-ss", "00:00:10", "-i", str(file_input), "-t", "00:00:01", "-map", "0:v:0", "-c:v:0", "copy", "-bsf:v", "hevc_mp4toannexb", "-f", "hevc", "-", "-hide_banner", "-v", "panic", ] # Define the dovi_tool command dovi_tool_command = [dovi_tool_path, "extract-rpu", "-", "-o", str(output_bin)] # Run the ffmpeg command and pipe its output to the dovi_tool command with subprocess.Popen( ffmpeg_command, cwd=file_input_parent, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) as ffmpeg_proc: with subprocess.Popen( dovi_tool_command, cwd=file_input_parent, stdin=ffmpeg_proc.stdout, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) as dovi_proc: ffmpeg_proc.stdout.close() # Close the ffmpeg stdout to allow it to receive a SIGPIPE if dovi_proc exits dovi_proc.communicate() # Wait for the dovi_tool process to complete if output_bin.exists(): rpu_data_cmd = [dovi_tool_path, "info", "-f", "0", "-i", str(output_bin)] rpu_data_job =, check=True, capture_output=True) rpu_stdout_data = json.loads( rpu_data_job.stdout.decode().split("Parsing RPU file...")[1] ) el_type = rpu_stdout_data.get("el_type") # clean up files output_bin.unlink() return el_type def prompt_user() -> None: root = Tk() root.withdraw() root.attributes('-topmost', True) messagebox.showinfo( "Alert", "FEL source detected, please switch to a FEL enabled template to process this encode.", parent=root ) root.destroy() root.mainloop() def create_fel(file_input: Path, ffmpeg_path: Path, dovi_tool_path: Path) -> None: ffmpeg_command = [ str(ffmpeg_path), "-i", str(file_input), "-map", "0:v:0", "-c:v:0", "copy", "-bsf:v", "hevc_mp4toannexb", "-f", "hevc", "-", "-hide_banner", "-v", "panic", "-stats", ] el_output_path = file_input.with_name(f"{file_input.stem}_el.hevc") dovi_tool_command = [ dovi_tool_path, "demux", "--el-only", "-", "-e", str(el_output_path), ] with subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as ffmpeg_proc: with subprocess.Popen( dovi_tool_command, stdin=ffmpeg_proc.stdout, ) as dovi_proc: ffmpeg_proc.stdout.close() # Close the ffmpeg stdout to allow it to receive a SIGPIPE if dovi_proc exits dovi_proc.communicate() # Wait for the dovi_tool process to complete ffmpeg_mux_command = [ str(ffmpeg_path), "-y", "-i", str(el_output_path), "-c", "copy", "-f", "hevc", str(el_output_path.with_suffix(".mkv")), ] if __name__ == "__main__": file_input, ffmpeg, dovi_tool, prompt, create_fel_mkv = cli() detect_el = detect_el_layer(file_input) if detect_el: rpu = read_rpu(file_input, ffmpeg, dovi_tool) if rpu: rpu = rpu.strip() print(rpu) if prompt and rpu == "FEL": prompt_user() if create_fel_mkv: create_fel(file_input, ffmpeg, dovi_tool) else: print("No detected EL layer") exit_print("", 0)