from pathlib import Path from subprocess import run, PIPE import os import shutil import sys def build_app(): # Change directory to the project's root directory project_root = Path(__file__).parent os.chdir(project_root) # Ensure we're in a virtual env, if we are, install dependencies using Poetry if sys.prefix == sys.base_prefix: raise Exception("You must activate your virtual environment first") else: # Use Poetry to install dependencies run(["poetry", "install"]) # Define the PyInstaller output path pyinstaller_folder = project_root / "pyinstaller_build" # Delete the old build folder if it exists shutil.rmtree(pyinstaller_folder, ignore_errors=True) # Create a folder for the PyInstaller output pyinstaller_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Define paths before changing directory img_gen = project_root / "" icon_path = project_root / "images" / "icon.ico" additional_hooks_path = Path(Path.cwd() / "hooks") # get poetry venv path poetry_venv_path = run( ["cmd", "/c", "poetry", "env", "info", "--path"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, text=True, check=True, ) if poetry_venv_path.returncode == 0 and poetry_venv_path.stdout: poetry_venv_path = Path(poetry_venv_path.stdout.strip()) site_packages = poetry_venv_path / "Lib" / "site-packages" # get paths to needed vapoursynth files in poetry venv vapoursynth_64 = site_packages / "vapoursynth64" vapoursynth_64_portable = site_packages / "portable.vs" else: raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find path to poetry venv") # Change directory so PyInstaller outputs all of its files in its own folder os.chdir(pyinstaller_folder) # Run PyInstaller command with Poetry's virtual environment build_job = run( [ "poetry", "run", "pyinstaller", # "-w", "--onefile", f"--icon={icon_path}", "--add-data", f"{vapoursynth_64};vapoursynth64", "--add-data", f"{vapoursynth_64_portable};.", "--name", "FrameForge", str(img_gen), f"--additional-hooks-dir={str(additional_hooks_path)}", ] ) # Ensure the output of the .exe success = "Did not complete successfully" exe_path = project_root / pyinstaller_folder / "dist" / "FrameForge.exe" if exe_path.is_file() and str(build_job.returncode) == "0": success = f"\nSuccess!\nPath to exe: {str(exe_path)}" # Change directory back to the original directory os.chdir(project_root) # Return a success message return success if __name__ == "__main__": build = build_app() print(build)